How to go through Wheelin & Dealin ’in Bitlife

To complete the task of Wheeling ’& Dealin’ in Bit life, players need to complete the following main tasks:

  • Buy a business for food production for 5+ years
  • Manage a marijuana sale business for more than 5 years
  • Take part in more than 10 commanding exercises
  • Get 50k+ bonuses from the company
  • Sell the company for 100k+ profits

It is easy to complete the Bit life Wheeling & Dealing ’task if you know how to achieve each goal in the task. Start by creating any character for your choice and then perform the following actions.

Before starting the Wheeling ’& Dealin’ test, you should buy Jobs Pack in Bit life, as a full test rotates around DLC. You can purchase DLC in an in-game store for 4.99 US dollars .


How to buy a food delivery business to Bit life

To own a business with food in Bit life, you must have a minimum banking balance of 300,000 US dollars. The best way to accumulate that kind of money is to make a short career in any highly paid profitable sphere or ask for money from family members. We recommend that you become a lawyer or doctor, as they pay more than enough from the first day. When you have 300 thousand dollars, you can own a van with food from the special career section and conduct business for another five years to complete the first task.

Work > Special career > Business > Own business > Buy business on trucks with food

how to do marijuana selling business in Bit life

As in the case of the first task, you will need to own a pharmacy for the sale of marijuana to manage it. You will need at least $2 million to open a marijuana dispenser. Therefore, it is recommended to work out in a highly paid area for at least 10 years before starting both businesses.

How to participate in 10+ exercises to build a team in Bit life

If you have a business, you can involve your employee in funny events, such as camping, fishing or garbage hunting to improve the moral spirit and cohesion of the team. To do this, select any Timbildic event in the Work section.

Work > Executive Director > Events > Insulting > Any team activity .

how to take 50k+ bonuses from the company in Bit life

To complete the fourth task in Wheeling & Dealing ’, you should get more than 50,000 bonuses from the company. Just pull 50k from one of your companies in the section of activity.

Work > Executive Director > Events > Bonus > Bring $50,000 from the capital of your company .

How to sell a company for 100k+ profit in Bit life

The last and final task is to sell one of your two companies with a profit of 100,000+. Focus on at least one of your companies, inventing new products and properly promoting them. Over time, your company will flourish and begin to profit. Sell the company at this moment and get the prescribed rate of profit.

To learn more about Bit life, read the sections How to Start Business in Bit life or How to Add New products to your business and sell them to Bit life in Pro Games.
