Diablo 2 Resurrected: Assassine - entry-level guidance for lightning guards

If you are looking for a relaxed game style, massive damage and no danger to your character, then the Lightning Guardian Assassine is just right! The lightning guard / death guard Assassine, also known as traps (from the English traps = fall), is der standard assassinic build. Sets your fall from a safe distance and looks towards how to attack your enemies, even if you are outside the screen. It s that easy! With a total of three types of damage (lightning, fire, physical), it can be done with almost everything.

With the lightning damage from lightning guard and the domino effect of the cadaver explosions of the death guess, these assassins can plow themselves by massive monster groups in no time. The only thing you need to worry about, killing the first monsters to prepare the domino effect; The death guard then takes care of the rest. Furthermore, their high mobility by acceleration pace makes playing the trapsins for a true pleasure.

Table of contents

  1. 1 advantages and disadvantages of lightning guard / death guard assassine
  2. 2th starter build
  3. 2.1 factories
  4. 2.2TRIBUTE
  5. 3 equipment
  6. 4söldner
  7. 5Gameplay 6.Indreading reading

Advantages and disadvantages of the flash guard / death guard Assassine

very tankable ✔ High mobility ✔ Low complexity ✔ Beginner friendly ✔ Option for low entry-level budget ✔

❌ slowly against flash immune opponents ❌ Best-in-slot items are expensive ❌ Damage installation requires time ❌ At first worse nude boss farmer ❌ requires very good equipment for the full potential

The starter build


Diablo 2 resurrected: The skills of the flash guard starter build on character level 75 (skill boni through normal / nightmare quests included) Source: game style sets 1 point in the following skills:

Acceleration Tempo Shadow coat Thought

Maximizes the following skills in this order:

Lightning guard Deathcard Shock Combo Flash Guardian


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Strength: Sufficient points for wearing the equipment Skill: Sufficient points for wearing the equipment, unless you go to max. Block chance with the sign Vitality: The rest of the points


helmet: 2-socket helmet with rune word tradition (location + sol) Armor: 3-socket armor with rune word betray (Shael + Thul + Lem) Shield: 2-socket sign with rune word Reim (Shael + ETH) Weapon: 4-socket sword with mind leading word (valley + thul + place + amn) Gloves, Belts, Boots: Focus on Mana / Mana Regenerate / Life / Resistance (e.g. by Craft Items for Wizard) Amulet, rings, magic: focus on assassin skills, faster magic rate, mana / mana regenerate / life / resistance (e.g. by craft items for wizards) and magic in inventory

This equipment represents the minimum that you need to effectively play the build. When transitioning nightmare to hell, it is important to prioritize equipment with elemental resistance. For this fall-based build, you will also want to increase your assassinic skills with items / magic. In addition, for the 2nd weapon slot, you should get a wand with charges of the deadlock flake resistance to lightning-resistant / immune monsters.


Type: Act 2-desert oils (defensive) from the difficulty level nightmare with holy frost-aura Equipment: Helmet of the Tal Rasha Sets, (essential) 2-socket armor with the runnew smoke (Nef + lum), (essential) 4-socket Buttock with the runneword insight (RAL + TIR + TAL + SOL)

Recommended is the Holy Frost Aura version, as it offers a large amount of opponent control for the trap player. Otherwise, your mercenary tank and a meditation source (regenerate mana). The helmet of the Tal Rasha Sets grants a great survival and a proper increase in the mercenary DPS.


Diablo 2 resurrected: For players who want to clearly share damage relaxed, the lightning guard assassine is just the right source: Blizzard

Placed 5 flash guards on a single point to pinpoint a target. After the goal has died, 1-2 death guard placed to hunt the nearby monsters with the body into the air. Uses your wand with resistance loss in lightning-resistant / immune monsters Shadow coat and thoughts are great means for mass control.


Further reading

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