Sin Full Remake in Labor - sin - Video Peeling news, instructions, exemplary procedures, reviews and cults

Best First Person Shooters [Tactical, Chaotic & Fun]

The remake is made in connection with the upcoming Remaster.

In some "that's a name I've no longer heard since Damn long time" news was announced last week that a Remaster of the PC shooter _ süng_ was in work. This announcement was in connection with the publication of sin: Gold, which saw the return of the game and its extension to the PC. But it seems that much larger things are in work _ süng_, as a full remake is apparently also on the way.

The Vice President of 3D Realms, Frederik Schreiber, announced that not only a remaster of infamous shooters is in progress, but also a complete remake. Nightdive Studios works on the Remaster and it seems that 3D Realms and Slipgate IronWorks will be involved in the remake.

If you are unfamiliar with _ sünd_ The game suffered several delays and was then published near the legendary debewertbeit both leads to an underperformance. It was an interesting title with a cyberpunk attitude and multiple FPS gameplay innovations, who has lived as a cult classick since its publication in 1998. The game is also a product of his time and has a very, very 90s mood. It will be interesting to see how a comprehensive remake of the title will look. If you are curious about the original, SIN: Gold is now available for the PC. Marketed with: 3D Realms, Nightdive Studios, PC, Sin, Slipgate Ironworks
